Rangeland - Backcast 1991-2020

Percent Shrub

The proportion of shrub canopy in each 30m pixel. Shrub is a continuous field component encompassing all shrub species discriminated by the presence of woody stems and < 6-m in height.

Percent Sagebrush

The proportion of sagebrush canopy in each 30m pixel. Sagebrush is a continuous field component encompassing almost all species of Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) including Big Sagebrush (A tridentata spp.), Low Sagebrush (A arbuscular), Black Sagebrush (A nova), Three-tip Sagebrush (A triparta) and Silver Sagebrush (A cana). This component is nested within Shrub as a secondary component. Excludes the low stature prairie sage (A. frigida) and white sagebrush (A. ludoviciana).

Percent Bare Ground

The bare ground proportion in each 30m pixel.. Bare Ground is a continuous field component including exposed soil, sand and rocks.

Percent Herbaceous

The annual and perennial grass and forb proportion in each 30m pixel. Herbaceous is a continuous field component consisting of grasses, forbs and cacti which were photosynthetically active at any point in the year of mapping.

Percent Annual Herbaceous

The annual only grass and forb proportion in each in 30m pixel. Annual Herbaceous is a continuous field component including grasses and forbs whose life history is complete in one growing season. This component is primarily dominated by annual invasive species including Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae), Red Brome (Bromus rebens), or annual mustards such as Tumble Mustard (Sisymbrium altissimum) and Tansy Mustard (Descurainia pinnata). But may contain substantial native annual herbaceous vegetation at higher elevations and in California. This component is nested within Herbaceous as a secondary component.

Percent Litter

The dead plant material proportion in each 30m pixel. Litter is a continuous field component including dead standing woody vegetation, detached plant organic matter and biological soil crusts.

Percent Tree

The proportion of tree canopy in each 30m pixel.

Tree cover is defined as vegetation with persistent woody stems > 6m in height. Mature stand of pinyon (Pinus spp.) and juniper (Juniperus spp.) are included regardless of height.